Monday 11 June 2018

Welcome To The Hallows

I have created a fictional universe for faiytales, urban legends, ghost stories, fables, literature of all kinds and even people who are unrelated to such infamous beings but do have some connections to their world. That is what The Hallows is.

For help to understand this world you should think of "Once Upon a Time", "Kingdom Hearts", "Rise of the Guardian" or Telltale's "The Wolf Among Us" to get a better understanding of this idea. In these places where fiction and reality blur into one set World. So within this universe, it will be set in our version of the Earth but also in The Hallows in which these creatures reside - the narration bouncing between the two plains among the characters. I have borrowed the idea of the Hallows being like the World Tree in Viking Folklore, having Nine Domains and then smaller kingdoms possibly within those.

So how the characters work - they do NOT have to follow the structure of their oringal fairytale. If anything, it'd be more fun if that were simply a guideline to creating a character. But if any volunteer wishes to keep the stpry as intact as possible then that's also more than welcome here. The Story can be part of their Origins, a huge pivotal point in their life or maybe for the sake of this collaborative story it hasn't happened yet and we get to see how it unfolds for us in the subplots, potentially impacting the main plot of the arc here. So for example on how this could be done;
We have Little Red Riding Hood (AKA Reed). She was just a 12 year old girl when her story took place. Her entire family had been Monster Hunters, and they had been on the hunt for a Wolf - the Big Bad one if we want to be specific. So, this big beasty decides he ain't having any of that and decides to brutally murder the family but Reed just about survives and has caught the Lycanthrope gene of the Wolf. So he takes her in. She is obviously against this for many reasons and as she grows up, it becomes a Beauty and The Beast scenario (fairytales can also mix into other stories) but she outgrows his strength and after making him fall for her she betrays him.

That is the general gist of that variant - because hopefully in the structure of this Story we will have Flashback Chapters that explain more about the Fabled character, so I will be able to delve into a more detailed narrative about the story of Reed and the Wolf/Beast. I have also done the Cheshire Cat and the Queen of Hearts, but they shall be revealed on a later date. So, to be can have ANYONE from literature, Grimms Fairytales, introduce a new cultures legends, Greek Gods, maybe people related or just inhabit the same space as these people and if you want bring in Dracula. I'm all ears. Or even make someone who is literally ALL EARS!

So there a few category types of Characters;

1) The Originals. The people whose the story has happened to first, no others before. Maybe your character could be the VERY first Snow White and then that becomes a Mold/Archetype which echoes throughout the Hallows. Or maybe because it is the first, it can be a story unheard of before and just yet has time to become set within the foundations of the world.

2) The Emblems. The people who carry the symbol of the achetypal story. Doesn't make them any less than the Original, jst that history repeated itself and they get caught in the crossfire.

3) The Nobodies. These could be deceased. People who may have had their story robbed from them. Anyone who has been left out, or forcefully thrown away perhaps. Who knows. This is a working category with a working definition.

4 ish) There will be more categories. Like the normal people of this world who just as hapen to live here - they don't have their own story. Or mortals in our world. And i'm sure we'll create more categories as we talk about the ideas and plans for this story.

So for the Big Question - I would love it if my fellow peers and writers wanted to help out in this project, whether as a fellow writer and create this narrative together or just to throw a useful idea or story character in their as a donation I guess we'll call it - either way I would love to have a helping hand in this series. And I will further explain the plot and end goals and lore of this universe. Let me know what you think of this idea, and if you would like to take part in it :)

- Rhydian

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